Judge Hiram & Caroline Tuttle
Evelyn Tuttle Pond
"Miss Tuttle had been for eighteen years a teacher in the Chicago public schools. Miss Tuttle attended the performance at the Iroquois with her sister and her sister's children and none of them emerged alive." Chicago Tribune
Beloit, Wis., Jan. 4. - The bodies of Beloit's victims in the Iroquois Theatre fire were brought here for burial today. They were Mrs. Fred Pond and two children and Miss Grace Tuttle. The other and her little girl were in one casket and three hearses were used to convey the bodies to the cemetery where, Rev. H. J. Purdue read the burial service of the Episcopal church.
Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois) 02 Jan 1904, Sat Page 2 & 5
Kenosha News (Kenosha, Wisconsin) 05 Jan 1904, Tue, Page 1
Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania) 02 Jan 1904, Sat page2
McCurdy, p 146
Everett, M. (1904). The Great Chicago Theater Disaster. Chicago: Publishers Union of America, p 359